Valentine – The secret of the Saint in love

Valentino - Il segreto del Santo innamorato

by Arnaldo Casali

A mysterious 3rd century bishop has become the protector of lovers from all over the world. Why?
The young William Shakespeare investigates one of the most famous saints in history: Saint Valentine.


Arnaldo Casali





Literary Category

Historical Novel

Print size

13,5×21 cm


In the time of the changes that will lead to the end of the Roman Empire, a young man from “Interamna” challenges his family, society and power with a revolutionary choice. A biography kept hidden for centuries, and then forgotten, returns to light, giving us a modern and courageous hero, consecrated to a universal love. Valentine – The secret of the Saint in love presents a rigorous and detailed historical fresco about the Roman Empire and the beginnings of Christianity. The novel proposes fascinating hypotheses about the role of William Shakespeare in the transformation of Valentino from an unknown bishop to a universal symbol of love: Saint Valentine.

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Valentine – The secret of the Saint in love

by Arnaldo Casali

A mysterious 3rd century bishop has become the protector of lovers from all over the world. Why?
The young William Shakespeare investigates one of the most famous saints in history: Saint Valentine.

Valentino - Il segreto del Santo innamorato


Arnaldo Casali





Literary Category

Historical Novel

Print size

13,5×21 cm



In the time of the changes that will lead to the end of the Roman Empire, a young man from “Interamna” challenges his family, society and power with a revolutionary choice. A biography kept hidden for centuries, and then forgotten, returns to light, giving us a modern and courageous hero, consecrated to a universal love. Valentine – The secret of the Saint in love presents a rigorous and detailed historical fresco about the Roman Empire and the beginnings of Christianity. The novel proposes fascinating hypotheses about the role of William Shakespeare in the transformation of Valentino from an unknown bishop to a universal symbol of love: Saint Valentine.

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